"The National Museum, New Delhi, hereby informs the General Public, that, on the occasion of India's 167th Independence Day and as a part of the ongoing Independence Day Celebrations in collaboration with Ministry Of Culture...
Hon'ble President Of India will be inaugurating a New Gallery, titled...
Life & Culture In 2014.
All are cordially invited to witness the sea change our lifestyle has seen ever since the last Century.
From 2114, To 2014..."
This was a Press Release to be issued in a leading Indian Daily, on the morning of August 15, 2114.
The National Museum had been partially closed for the General Public, during the past week, in lieu of this new Gallery being set up.
And, the day after Tomorrow would be yet another Independence Day for India.
Yet another patriotic celebration, yet another flag hoisting at the Red Fort.
Yet another message to the Nation.
Something would be Different...
And, That Difference...
Would Be...
An Entire Century's Time Travel...
On Our Independence Day...
But, why am I telling you all this?
Because, I'm running late...
For What?
I haven't yet drafted...
The Introduction Of The Gallery...
To Be Delivered By The President...
Which Is Due...
Tomorrow Morning!
Here, I'm burning the Midnight Oil...
With An Idea In Mind...
But, With No Expression...
Because, I'm having a really tough time, thinking of the Pros and Cons...
Of 2014.
There's no use in even trying...
Because this deadline can never be extended...
I'll have to frame an Introduction...
Worthy of 2014...
This is what I've managed to come up with...
I just hope it fits my picture, of what 2014 was...
And, improves what 2114 will become...
Memoirs Of A Century, The Year 2K14...
Era Of Change Ahead, In The Year 2K14...
Multiple Facets Of The Indian Democracy...
Of An Expressive Parliamentary Hypocrisy...
Indicative Of A Better Time Ahead, Really?
Racing Ahead In Time, To The Global Visual...
Speculating, How India Will Be At A Pinnacle!
Oh! Culture, Westernization Took Your Lead...
For All, Yo Yo Became God, Selfies Trended...
Aptly Or Not So, They Were Steered Wrong...
Cursed That Sex Ratio, Women Looked Down...
Expecting Equality, And Dignity, With A Frown!
No, In That Ocean Of Regret, They'd To Drown!
To Top It All Aerial Disasters Shook Humanity...
Urging That Need For Peace, To Stop An Insanity...
Recreating Those Happenings Of The Year - 2K14...
Year 2114, Wish You To Be Better Than Year 2K14...
This post is a part of the WordPress Daily Prompts : 365 Writing Prompts program where the aim is to post at least one post a day based on the day's prompt.
The Prompt for July 24 was a 'Free Prompt' provided to all of us, Guest Authors.
The Prompt is, From The Collection of The Artist - 'It's the year 2114.
A major museum is running an exhibition on life and culture as it was in 2014.
You’re asked to write an introduction for the show’s brochure.
What will it say?'
This is my Seventeenth Post as a guest author to Project 365 : We Post Daily!
A major museum is running an exhibition on life and culture as it was in 2014.
You’re asked to write an introduction for the show’s brochure.
What will it say?'
This is my Seventeenth Post as a guest author to Project 365 : We Post Daily!
This is just too good.
ReplyDeleteloved it.
Awesome linking throughout the post.
Thanks for the compliments, Lancelot.
DeleteKeep Visiting. :)