All Contest Wins can now be accessed at the following links:
Contest-Winning Posts At IndiBlogger
Contest-Winning Posts At BlogAdda
WOW! Winners At BlogAdda
Contest-Winning Post At Blogmint
Contest-Winning Post At Women's Web
Contest-Winning Post At Jabong
Winning The 'Express Your Love' Blogging Contest
Winning The 'One Picture From My Photo Album' Contest
The completion of Discovery's 20 glorious years in India coincides with the commemoration of the 69th year of independence.
राज, राजनीति, और रंजिश के कई अनदेखे पल,
बयान करेंगे कहानी, एक उभरते देश की।

Children today are growing up in a connected world and there’s no getting away from that.
You can love it, hate it, tolerate it – but as a modern parent, you cannot avoid this social world that kids are growing up in. :)
A first collaboration with Women's Web, which was adjuged as a Winner!

Another post dedicated to My First Expert, my Mother
The joy of playing with raw earthen soil, to uncover it, dig deep, follow that snail's trail and plant a tiny seed to observe it sprout into a plant and flourish into a tree as a child, is ever empowering.
Let us embark on a Green Yatra :)
Glad to say that a tree would be planted in my name, owing to this post.
I give you a first-hand review of my Nioxin Kit, after a month of usage and trial. :)

There! I said it. The dreaded M-word!
Periods are not taboo, and menstrual hygiene is a necessity.
Stayfree hosted a panel discussion on India’s least discussed topic in Mumbai.
#LetsStayfree was an educative one in the last week of May. :)

It was like a midsummer's dream.
It was like a sparkle in the sand.
Certainly not an illusion.
Most definitely, a mirage-like exception.
It was the summer of adventure.
An exploration dating back to circa 2010 to the land of the Pyramids. :)
Adjudged as one of the Winners amongst all posts submitted for Week 5 at Blogmint's Food and Travel Carnival.

It was very heartening to watch the video in which Karan Johar is seen interviewing a two-time cancer survivor.
This is the story of Ruchi Gokhale who is a fashion blogger aged 20. She has grown out of the demonic disease.

I spotted my favorite travel community tweeting about #HIQTravellerMeetup - Bangalore Edition last week.
Their tweets prompted me to reminisce the splendid execution of the Delhi Edition, which was held in April. :)

An open letter to my Daddy this Father's Day. My father believes that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
So much so that it reflects in his dressing sense. I have always witnessed him dressed as the best man would. :)

Fashion sense is precise; your fashion preferences may differ from the world and can be altered as per your comfort, but fashion sense is all about knowing why are you wearing what you are wearing.

The first of a two-part post on the School Of Inspired Leadership, Gurgaon, where I had been invited in the past to witness their teaching strategies first hand. :)

The Magic Of Nioxin India, with #NioxinNowInIndia, thanks to BlogAdda.

A Media Invite to witness best-in-trade chefs exhibiting their prowess in creating awe-inspiring pastries, cakes and confectioneries.

Proceedings of Pearl Academy's #Portfolio15, which aims to reinvent the tricks of the trade in Creative Business.
Graced by ace designers of the trade, Manish Malhotra, Nikhil-Shantanu, Ritu Beri and JJ Valaya, Pearlites stir up a storm! :)

I visit the alleys to discover which places call out to them, when Gentlemen jaunt.
15 cricketing legends and 15 pilgrimage spots for us as cricket fanatics!
Written for Harsha Bhogle's Dream Team. :)

BlogAdda and Ariel India bring to me, the first win.
A win which feels ecstatic.
Queen Ariel And King Eric answer.
A post focusing on the growing adaptability of parents to the child's dreams.
We parents are now aiming to give #WingsToDreams.
A post talking about Parenting and ensuring your child's secure education to power a Young Scholar Secure! :)

#UnsentLetters are closest to the heart, whilst they exist in silence.
A story was penned by Rabindranath Tagore, giving voice to an inexistent letter.
A heart-rending narration lent a vivid manifestation, to an emotion unexpressed. :)

Nonagenarian, Now...
This Women's Day, I'm sharing a close friend's journey.
Elucidating how she was torn between choices, yet she realized her dreams.
This is Pragya's journey from OR to AND. :)

Some sweet, some sour, some bitter.
Episodes which dissolve distances.
Memories to collect, from that scatter.
The moments which make us smile.
With joy, amazement, surprise et al.
Incidents which make us #LookUp.
Bow in thanks, to the Lord above.

With V-Day, I unveil my proposal for that 'special someone' in my life.
Today is meant to be special.
'Tis Valentine's, it's about me and the cupcakes in that tiny box.
It is about your lovable #lunchboxANDyou!

The fairer sex from Venus are a divine lot.
They endure through a multitude of troubles to portray a multitude of characterizations.
I'm defined by what I portray AND I portray a multitude.
An ocean of emotions.
A single drop of essence. :)

Life cannot be condensed into a space of mere dates.
Certainly, a life as great as The Common Man's cannot.
Here's presenting five episodes with The Common Man, extracted from a timeless gem in our possession since the summer of 2000 :)
For his Common Man, who Said It...

BOLT comes into picture as Thunder BOLT for its contemporaries.
With BOLT, Tata Motors is surely bidding a spicy-sweet Tata to its potential competitors.
My experience at the Pre-Launch Event, at a BOLT Arena, near me. :)

When asked #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob, I decided to add a pinch of fiction to a Disney Princess's story, who goes by the same name as the brand in limelight.
Written for Ariel India and BlogAdda.

My first ever Tangy Tuesday selection from BlogAdda too...
Charlie Hebdo, Free Press, Invincible Expression, Barbarism, Harmony.
Somewhere between the lines, the very essence of Humanity lies at stake.
For all such Charlies, around the world - Je Suis Charlie...
I Am Charlie!
Never Say Die.

The first post for 2015 is a fiction penned for Blogadda's WOW!
January brings with it, Navya's birthday.
Read about Navya's birthday party and her Jeans. ;)
Jeans are not your routine denims, I assure you. :)

81 Stars On IndiB...
An Acrostic, Which Has Been Published In WE...
January 2015 - Volume X.
Page 91-93.
Writer's Ezine...
One Word At A Time...
You can read the January 2015 Issue of WE on ISSUU, here.

New Year's Eve 2014 brings with it, a surprise...
A post penned in December...
Skull Candy Headphones...
Thanks To Nissan India and IndiBlogger...
साहिबान, मेहरबान, कदरदान...
A very warm welcome to All...
This is the moment you've all been waiting for...
आप सबके लिए पेश है…
From the exquisite brand - name of the one, the only...
हम हैं MatrikaS के ख़ज़ाने से तराशे गए...
नायाब नगीने!

4 November 2014.
The Day, for when, an invitation was extended to me...
By the kind folks at SHEROESIndia and BlogAdda.
Going by their philosophy, there is a SHERO within each one of us.
And, BlogAdda, as a Blogger's Network, was keen to bring those SHEROES to my city, New Delhi.
Unleashing The SHEROES Within Us...
Unleashing The SHEROES Within Us...

New Year 2014 brought along with itself – a golden opportunity.
Project 365.
As I bid adieu to Project 365, I’m revisiting the year that was, from the A to the Z, thanks to P365.

Technology & Mobility + An NRI Comedian...
The pioneer in mobile financial solutions, Mahindra Comviva. and a Media Invite to the evening well spent at Summer House Cafe, with Papa CJ. :)

Reviewing a wellness cafe, boasting of high quality food, after a tiring day of shopping at Connaught Place.
It is a place where without compromising with your taste buds, you can fully control your calories' intake.

My Hunger Has No Color, Nationality, Religion and Choice.
For Birju, With Akshaya Patra...

Food + A Celebrity Chef, Again! :)
This time, coupled with an invite from the Canola Council of Canada.
Chef' Surjan Singh Jolly of The JW Marriott, Bengaluru, and an afternoon with all things Canola at The Shangri-La's Eros.

#IndiHappyHours With Dabur and IndiBlogger.

Food + A Celebrity Chef...
If you love food, and love to experiment with it as well, read how I garnered culinary expertise, from Chef Kunal Kapur, of The Leela Kempinski, Gurgaon, on an invitation from the New Zealand High Commission! :)

Onward To 71!
EXCLUSIVE Celebrity Coverage Ahead.
An Exclusive Meet & Greet Opportunity with the stars of Daawat-e-Ishq presented to me by Hindustan Times.
PS: I'd featured in the newspaper too. ^_^

70 On The Tally...
A crisp 275 word piece for P365.
On the perks of Blogging.
On how Bloggers Unplug.
On how I take a break from these little Glowing Boxes. ^_^

One more to go for 70...
Team Maximus Dramaticus is now competing in the Wild Card Round of the Game Of Blogs.
Presenting Chapter 23 of our Novella titled 'Her Paintbrush Is A Razor'.

After a long time...
Team Maximus Dramaticus had qualified for Round 2 of Game Of Blogs at #CelebrateBlogging by Blogadda with Rank 4.
Presenting Chapter 12 of the 20 segment story we've penned so far.
Inviting all bouquets.
Brickbats too. :)

#CelebrateBlogging is all about the Game of Blogs.
I, at Team Maximus Dramaticus, had decided to pen the third segment of our Story.
It sure is intriguing enough to take on a Killer, first hand!

66 Up!
My Yardstick for Success in the blog-o-sphere.
Written as the Nineteenth Post for Project 365.
Worldly Success mirrors itself in the blogging world too. :)

Read how I re-did my abode to welcome my long lost BFFs over a re-union.
For, you ought to travel back in time, to that Golden Era, when Retro ruled.
With a dash of nostalgia, of course! :)

One more to 65.
Our greatest blessings call us Mommy and Daddy.
With this thought in mind and as a Thanksgiving for my Parents, I set out to give their room an Ethnic Makeover...
While they became...

63 On The Board...
A House is made of Walls & Beams.
A Home is made of Love and Dreams.
The 'Love'-ly Makeover, I set out, on gifting, to Our Room.

Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Abu.
What do these names remind you of?
Undoubtedly, The Arabian Nights.
The Majestic Sands of The UAE?
Aladdin planned to surprise Jasmine with Skyscanner! :)

There have been a couple of Zestful situations in my life.
Encapsulating Five of these for my readers to witness.
After all, Life is all about moments. And In The Zest Of The Moment, Life goes full circle. :)

Sixty IndiStars... :D
Five Rare, Priceless, Unique Black Possessions, To Acquire.
Dedicated to Exquisite Black Beauties.
Celebrating The Ceaseless Manifestations Of Black! :)

One More To Go For 60!
Read about those Activities in my Life, at large, which aid in renewing my Vigor & Zest towards the concept of liveliness, in its entirety.
The Irre'Zest'ible Five For My Life! :)

What happens when Black emerges as a Hero from the Dark?
Read how, Black emerges as the New Bold.
How Black can act as a Savior for all Women out there.
Because, there's more to Black than just the Burqa for the Fairer Sex. :)

57 On The Board...
At the mention of the word 'ZEST'...
I'm reminded of Certain Emotions.
I'm reminded of Certain People.
Who've added that Zest to my Life, without which it'd have been Lifeless, in its Entirety.

For Me...
There Is A Wishlist - Comprising My Black Desires.
Vintage Memorabilia To Acquire.
Exquisite and Exclusive.
55 Now...
Encapsulating my experience at the Exclusive Music Launch Event of Daawat -E- Ishq.
Parineeti Chopra & Aditya Roy Kapoor LIVE! ^_^
Featuring Parineeti's Singing & Aditya's Cool Looks, This One Is A Must Read.
After All...
Mess With Me?
I'll Let Karma Do Its Job.
Mess With My Family?
Surely, this is the ideology for most of us.
The Eighteenth One for P365.
What marks my Perfect Comeback in any arguments or discussions?
What happens when you're given the task of recalling the happenings of an Entire Century, to be presented to the Present Generation?
The Seventeenth prose penned for P365.
Because, the National Museum is exhibiting Year 2014, for Year 2114.
52 On The Board...
It Is Day 4 & I had indeed, PERFECTLY predicted Colgate Charcoal's Launch.
#WhatTheBlack Is Now Colgate Charcoal Slim Soft, The Black.
Read About My Entire Experience With #WhatTheBlack, And With Colgate - Palmolive's Innovation As Well! :D
51 Up!
It Is Day 3.
And, your Ms. Marple has had THE BREAKTHROUGH.
Candid Marketing Was The Mastermind, But Only For The MARKETING.
Which Was The BRAND Behind #WhatTheBlack?
Busted at 3 In The Afternoon, In 2 Hours, Flat! :D
50!!! ^_^
Golden Jubilee Of Golden IndiStars!!! :D
It Is Day 2 of #WhatTheBlack.
And, I, ON RECORD, have been able to unveil the MASTERMIND behind this campaign.
In Four Hours flat.
Countdown To 1!
Entirety Of The Suspense, Mystery, Intrigue, Excitement And Fun Behind #WhatTheBlack.
This is just the beginning, only Day 1.
The Enigma Stands To Be Cracked.
Coundown To 2!
How Mr. Zen assisted Watson in solving The Garrideb Triangle Mystery.
Three Garridebs, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Watson and a Super-Phone!
How Watson turned sleuth in his dream.
How Justice was served in the summer of 1902! :)
Countdown To 3!
The Sixteenth Post For P365, an attempt at WOW! after long.
An Issue Around Which I Gradually Changed My Opinion And A Prominent Personality, In Connection With The Issue, Whose Mind I Wish To Read!
Which Issue, And Whose Mind?
My First Ever WINNER POST (for Round 1) at IndiBlogger!!! :D
All others, in the past, were Runners - Up.
I'm over the Moon and Back!
#BeautifulFood By Borosil & You! <3
Not Astrology, It's Gastronomy!

Countdown Is Now At 4.
The Wonders, Grit, Courage, Determination & Girl Power can do!
Managing an entire Empire, of The Malhotra Book Depot single handed - my nieces...
Monica & Sonica Malhotra Kandhari.
Just 5 More To The Golden Jubilee...
My First Participation.
Sky Watching The Clouds, The Sky, The Land, The Sand And The Sea Of Mumbai.
Come Along, On A Cloudy Charismatic Trail! :)
It's 44 Now!
The Day When 12 Signs Of The Zodiac Came Together.
My Family And Their Bonding Over Food.
Packed With Delectable Dishes, One For Each Sun - Sign.
And, Borosil, As Always, Complements My Beautiful Food.
Sprinkled With Poetry Too. :)
43 Up!
The Fifteenth Post For Project 365.
About Nature, Its Manifestations, And How It Never Fails To Amaze Me.
Coupled With 7 Pictures And Rendered In Prose! :)
The Star - Board Now Reads 42!
The Fourteenth One For P365...
This Time I Am...
The 41st Post To Have Been Starred...
This One's For An IndiMeet - #JodeyDilonKo...
For A Pleasant Change - My First IndiMeet In Mumbai...
The 40th One On The Board...
The 13th One For P365...
Because It's Soccer Season, This June...
And, I'm Substituting Soccer's Goal With Blogging Goals...
The 39th IndiStar...
Another one for P365, this one's Do Not Disturb!
Because, With the advent of social media, not much is secret anymore.
Or is it?
When The Two P's Switch!
The IndiStars Mark Their Comeback on the Blog!
The 38th IndiStar...
The One for The Times Of Transformation.
The One For Asus India's Contest at IndiBlogger.
It's Time To Transform...
I mark my return into Blog-o-sphere, with yet another Guest Post for Project 365. :)
Also contemplating what makes us Richer, as far as Blogging is concerned, for IndiSpire...
The Blogger's Expressway...
A Post, On The Art Of Effective Communication.
Tracing my foray into the world of expression, this is the only post I have written for the month of May.
Written as the Tenth Post for Project365, with a promise to return in June! :)
The Art, That Is Communication...
The 35th IndiStar.
A First Attempt At Satire.
The tale of 17-Year-Old Mannu, listed as Manmohan Singh in school records.
The tale of how and why he flunked Economics.
The tale of how this act brought shame to the Upahaar Vidyalaya!
When Manmohan Singh Flunked Economics, the headlines were set ablaze…
Written for BlogAdda's WOW! :D
When Manmohan Flunked Economics...
The 34th IndiStar Celebrates My Blog's First Birthday.
Because I'm...
Recalling All My Firsts, All Inspirations.
The Concept Of Charity.
How It Begins At Home.
And Extends Far Beyond.
A Post For BlogAdda's WOW!
The Ninth Post For Project 365.
It's 33 Now!
Because, Charity Begins At Home...
Five Senses Of The Human Body.
Wonder, why I've arranged them, like that?
Look Closely.
You'll read - TENSE.
A Post Based On A TENSE Situation...
And A Close Encounter Of The Smelly Kind.
32 On The Board.
~*An Olfactory Oopsy Daisy!*~

A Post Based On A TENSE Situation...
And A Close Encounter Of The Smelly Kind.
32 On The Board.
~*An Olfactory Oopsy Daisy!*~
150 Posts Up On The Blog - Board...
31 Stars Up On The Star - Board...
Revisiting A Post, Written Last Christmas, To Give It A Twist...
The Eighth One For Project 365!
The Mysterious Look - Not A Mystery Anymore!
The 149th Post On The Blog.
The 30th IndiStar.
The First Time I Combine Two Prompts Together...
BlogAdda's WOW!
The Seventh Post For Project 365!
Entrapped By The Chakravyuh...
This Badge Honors The Blog...
The 29th IndiStar Too...
#JifiIsHere, Courtesy Kotak & Indi...
The Twenty Eighth IndiStar Comes To Honor Project 365, yet again.
The Sixth Post As A Guest Author Takes Cleanliness Into Tow...
27 On The Star Board!
This Time, It's For IndiSpire's #What'sInAName?
My Name Is Unique To Me...
My Name Is A Valuable Treasure...
My Name Is As Resplendent...
As A Full Moon! :)
The first post to have been posted in New Year 2014 brings about an E-Voucher worth Rs. 2000!
My name features in the limelight...
Thanks to We Chat India and IndiBlogger.
~*The Voice Behind The Voter's Resolution...*~
The 26th IndiStar Makes Its Way Onto The Blog...
For A Post Written On The 26th Of March...
For A Sojourn Down The Travel Tunnel & The Memory Lane...
My Most Memorable Momento...
My Brother's Most Cherished Birthday Gift...
A Silver Jubilee Of Golden IndiStars!
Written For BlogAdda's WOW! & World Water Day...
The Twenty Fourth IndiStar Comes To Connect Project 365, yet again.
The Fifth Post As A Guest Author Revolves Around Dias - Reversals At A Debate!
The Twenty Third IndiStar Connects Two Birthdays...
My Brother's Real Birthday
Jhanvi's Birthday Fiction...
Penned For BlogAdda's WOW!
Twenty Two Stars Have The Limelight...
The fourth post for Project 365, written from the perspective of a canine friend and family member!
The Twenty First IndiStar Holds A Special Place...
The third post for Project365, and the first one dedicated to my Mother...
An IndiStar A Day brings about a sense of creative exuberance!
The Twenty On The Tally Comes Up For IndiSpire's First Edition, Folks!
An adaptation from Jayant Narlikar's 'The Adventure', this one went on to #RewriteHistory.
Thanks To IndiB for IndiSpiring Me!
The 19th One On The Blog Relates To The Joys Of Life...
The second post, to be composed as a part of Project 365, finds it's place on the TOP spot of the list at IndiB!
The First Ever To Have Made It To The Top Of The List!
With A Count Of...
103 HEARTS!! :D
My Perception Of 'WINNING' Sports A Starry Badge!
The tally rises to eighteen with...
~*Win Over Oneself To Win Over The Universe!*~
The 'About Me' Page on the blog sees a starry mention on Indi!
The seventeenth one for the blog and the second one for Project 365 it is!
The Sweet Sixteenth One Is A First In One Respect.
It's The First Movie Review On The Blog!
Most Loved
Most Celebrated
Most Reckless
Most Fearless
Most Powerful!
A Story Of Two Happy - Go - Lucky Comrades Who Come To Be Known As
The Fifteenth IndiStar Is Here, Ladies & Gentlemen!
The First Contest Post On The Blog To Have Made It To The Indi Homepage!
The Fourteenth IndiStar Is A Really Speacial One!
Not Only Is It The 14th One On The Tally, But Also The First One To Have Made It To The Second Place On The Top Posts' List At IB With 77 IndiVotes!
The Current Tally Is 81 & The Screenshot Was Captured At The Beginning...
Even More Special As It Is The First Post By Me To Project365! :D
This Day Last Year, at IndiBlogger.
Dated 7 February 2015.
Thursday The 13th Turns Out To Be Lucky!
The Thirteenth IndiStar Is Here...
Jewels All The Way!
Twelve Hours In A Day Pay Off!
Twelve Stars Like The 12 Zodiac Signs Up On The Blog!
Yes, The Elegant WWW Follows In Mayura's Footsteps...
Elegance Of The W3 - Personified!
A Bird's Eternal Dedication To Deities Touches Many Hearts...
The Tenth One To Make It To The Homepage!
The Double Digit Finally Comes Up For The Top Posts On Indi!
Mayura's Tryst With The Deities...
Baking Interests Some, Poetry Interests Many!
Am On Cloud 9 To Get The Starry Mention, Honey!
The Ninth One To Make It Onto Indi's Homepage...
The Chronicles Of The Baking Championship...
Eight Times The Limelight!
Narrating An "Unresting Vethal's" Tale This Christmas!
In Seventh Heaven, This Time!
Canine Friends Turned Stubble Foes!
The Popularity Continues To Soar...
As Time PAUSes...
The Shiny Star Casts Its Light For The Fifth Time!
This Time It's...
Mr. Stubbly Stephen VS Mr. Clean Shaven Christopher!
The Fever Continues!
An Autographed Mug By The Baadshah - SRK! :D
Won It For This, And Am In The Limelight Here...
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Please Click On The Image For Better Resolution. |
Times Always Change For The Better...
This Time Advancing Towards A Healthier Womanhood!
Spark The Change. Period!
47 Hearts Is The Count At The Moment. Thanks Audience. :)
Mr. Amitabh Bachchan Is Popular Everywhere, Ain't He?
My Hat - trick of Popular Posts at IndiBlogger Comes With 52 Hearts For...
AB Senior LIVE & Exclusive : Up, Close & Personal With Mr. Amitabh Bachchan...
Newest Honor...
A Rs. 500 Shoppers' Stop Gift Voucher Is On Its Way Home!
'Dance Zara Differently - For An Able Cause'!
#DanceItOut - An IndiMeet Held On October 23, 2013.
Another Worthy Addition To The Trophy Cabinet...
The Versatile Blogger Award!
Newest Entrant To The Steadily Advancing List...
The Most Memorable Odyssey Of Our And ?????'s Life - Ambipur's 'The Perfect Road Trip' Contest
Thanks To Indi For The Well Timed Surprise Diwali Gift.
Couple Movie Tickets!
No Win Is Ever Small, I Must Say!
...My Moment Of Recognition...
The First Recognition To StirYourSouls As A Newbie Blogger - A Rs. 500 GiftCard at The 'One Picture From My Photo Album Contest' by Arti's MyYatraDiary...
The memories to be re-lived - Freeze Frame The Happiness!
My Participation & Eight Gems - Rules, Street, Windows, Art, Cartoons, Framed, Letters & Signs - In Photo A Day Experiment, PADE, by friends & co-bloggers, Sfurti & Ritu.
An Appreciation Coming From Monika Bakshi of A Tale Of Two And A Half...
BlogAdda WOW! Posts...
The Latest Addition...
THE First Official Win At IndiBlogger - ITC Kitchens Of India's 'My Weekend Party With Gourmet Food' Contest.
A Special Surprise Mention...
For The First Time Ever - The Memoir To My Entrepreneur Nieces featured among the Popular Ones on IndiBlogger!
The Current Count Stands At 31!
Thanks To All Friends and Co-bloggers... :)
Newest Honor!
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