Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Adamant Chariot Wheel...

BlogAdda's Mention!


Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


The Adamant Chariot Wheel
Couldn't Have Chosen
A Better Time
To Get Stuck!


This is the tale of an unyielding chariot wheel - the one which refused to budge - that too in the middle of a crisis situation...

Which chariot?
Which wheel?

Oh! No, I don't own a chariot - let alone a stubborn wheel!

The one I'm talking about traces its mention back to the beginning of eternity...

The one I'm talking about traces its mention back to mythology - back to one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India...

Which One?

The Mahabharata!


The horizon takes shape to the battlefield of the seventeenth day of the Kurukshetra War...

Fraternal Emotions Overtaken By Foe - Like Oppositions...

Two Ignorant Souls...
Brothers Turned Foes!

Thirsty For One - Another's Blood...
Bringing About A Lineage's Flood!

Little Did They Know - One Of Them Would Have To Lose His Life...
Who Would It Be - Was The Unrelenting Strife!

The Climax Had Reached Its Peak...
The Outcome Would Weigh Hard On The Weak!


Karna & Arjuna - On Two Opposing Sides Of The Battlefield...
A Gloomy Future Was What All Enmity Was Going To Yield!

Failed Attempts To Slay Each Other...
Took A Turn - Owing To A Stuck Chariot Wheel - Bother!

All This Mapped Its Origin To Multitudinous Curse...
Bestowed Upon Karna By Many, Not One - Made It Worse!

Boons And Curses Were An Issue Laid Aside...
It Was All Lord Krishna's Decision & Had To Be Taken In Its Stride!

However Hard We Try To Overlook...
The Wheel Was Obeying The Lord's Command!


The Chain's First Link Was Bhoomi Devi's Curse...
Shaping Up As A Consequence Of A Young Girl's Obstinacy!

The Girl Crying Over Spilt Ghee, Scared Of Her Step Mother's Wrath...
Would Not Budge To Accept Fresh Ghee From A Pitiful Karna!

Her Despair Prompted Him To Strain The Mud Laced Ghee...
In Order To Let Only The Ghee Drip Out!

When He Strained The Ghee From A Tightly Held Fist...
A Pained, Agonized Mother Earth Shaped Her Despair In A Curse...

The One Of Trapping His Chariot Wheel...
Rendering Him Helpless...
In Times Of Dire Need!


Some Even Say It's A Brahmin's Curse...
As A Consequence Of Karna Murdering His Innocent Cow...
Unknowingly, While Practing Warfare!

Such As The Cow Was Helpless At That Time...
Such Will  Be Karna...
In Times Of Dire Need!


The Chain Of Incidents,Then, Traces To Guru Parshurama's Vow...
The One To Teach Only Brahmins - Not A Kshatriya Anyhow!

When He Got To Know Of His Favorite Pupil...
Bearing The Bee's Sting At His Flesh!

Not To Let Out A Word Of Despair...
In An Attempt Not To Break The Teacher's Rest!

He, Unfailingly Deduced The Truth...
From Karna's Unfailing Endurance!

However, As A Liar...
Karna Invited Punishment...

The One Of His Memory Failing Him...
His Invocation Of The  Brahmastra Failing Him...
In Times Of Dire Need!


Thus, The Final Blow Of The War Took Its Shape...
With The Chariot Wheel Getting Stuck, Rendering No Escape...

A Powerless Karna, At The Hands Of The Soil...
Pleaded To Arjuna To Not Attack At A Weaponless Warrior!
More So Because He Had Lost Hold On  His Invocations...
A Consequence Of His Teacher's Punishment!

The Chariot Representing The Sun God...
Its Wheel Gripped By The Earth...
Indicated The Sun's Eclipse...
And His Child's Destined End Approached!

Both The Calamities Befalling At One Moment...
Karna, Could But Plead In Vain!

Arjuna Agreeing To Adhere To War Protocol...
Waited Patiently For Karna To Recuperate!

However, The Lord Had Something Completely Different In Mind...
Instigating Arjuna To Take Revenge On Karna For All Wrong Doings...
That Very Moment!

A Furious Arjuna...
Agreeing To The Lord...
Beheaded Karna Behind His Back...
With His Anjalika!

With All Said And Done...
When The Truth Dawned On Him...

Arjuna Repented Committing Fratricide...
And Abandoned All His Weapons!


The Unsung Hero Of The Epic - Danveer Surya Putra Karna Was Destined To Lose His Life...
At The Hands Of...

The Adamant Chariot Wheel
Which Couldn't Have Chosen
A Better (Rather Unfortunate) Time
To Get Stuck!


This post is a part of Write Over The Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
BlogAdda gives out a creative writing theme each weekend for Indian bloggers.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

~*Elegance Of The W3 - Personified!*~

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers

Today Is An Era Of The Prestigious W3...
Heading Towards Tech-Savvy Devotees...
Evoking Thus, Some Sense Of Dependency!

Easing The User's Pile Of Tasks At Hand...
Leading Him Hence To Believe In The Grand!
Eliminating Thus The Fine Gap For Mistakes...
Gaining Tremendous Respect, Is What W3 Takes...
Accumulating Within Reach, Sites, Millions In Number!
Navigating Its Way Out Of The User's Deep Slumber...
Tailored, Bespoken To His, The User's Comfort!

Widening Its Horizon Every Moment - Such Is The W3...
Wisdom - Imparting To The Valued User - Such Is The W3...
Withstanding The User's Testing Criteria - Such Is The W3...


Such Is The W3...

Such Is The W3...

Such Is The W3...

What If The W3 Itself Comes Before You To Highlight The Positivism Of The W3?

After All It's The W3 Which Hosts The Websites In Its Grip!

For All The World Wide Web's A Stage

And Each Website, A Show!


So, here's presenting to you, The World Wide Web...

Sporting the limelight on the qualities an ideal website should possess...


Hey People!

Err... I Skipped It...

Hey 'Tech - Savvy' People!

It's Me...

World Wide Web...

And I'm Here To Present My Wishlist - My Checklist, Rather...

With Pointers To An Ideal Website...

And To Be Honest - This Checklist's A Ring Of Fire Which No Website Has Been Able To Perfectly Pass Through!

So The W3 Has No Favorites...

Maybe The W3 Can Collaborate With WebRiti & The Blog Bowl - Implementing This Checklist To Construct The Ideal One?

Here We Go!

The Seven Steps To Enchanting Elegance & Excellence!

  1. Appearance :- Visual Appeal - as the first impression is the last impression. Subtle color contrast for the background - text combination works best. The text should be easily comprehensible.

    Keeping in mind the nature of the content and the group of audience, the site is aimed at, while working out the appearance is a big plus point.

    Graphics add to the appeal of a website, provided the artistry is meaningful and not over - done!

    Quality & Simplicity often go hand - in - hand...

    As Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication...


    It Is The Quality Of The Work Which Pleases God (The User) & Not The Quantity...
  2. Content :- Because Style Is An Add-On, Substance Is The Ultimate Crowd - Puller...

    W3C as they call me - I have a formulation of the Three C's combined with the fourth and most important C - Content.

    So This Big C must be Clear, Concise, Compelling...

    The Multimedia Aids must be effectively and appropriately employed to improve the understanding of the subject matter in question...
  3. Functionality :- Speed & Perfection are the pre-cursors to Success...

    Thus every component of a website must work quickly, correctly and up to the User's expectations...

    Exposure To This Big, Huge, Sea Of Me - The W3 - Invites Criticism More Often Than Praise...

    Because It's That One Error That's Bound To Grab Eye-balls...
    Not The Numerous Error - Free Works...

    And Effective Error Handling Is The Key To A Finishing Touch...
    And Thus, Every Work Must Be Effortlessly & Perfectly Accomplished...
  4. Usability :- The Eight Enchanters To Excellence...

    Keep It Simple, Silly!
    Keep It Organised, Oye!

    Keep It Quick, Quincy!
    Keep It Consistent, Chris!

    Keep It Descriptive, Danny!
    Keep It Cross - Browser Compatible!

    Keep It Cross - Platform Friendly!
    Keep It Search - Engine Amiable!

    Minimal Scroll Is The Key!
    Vertically But NEVER Horizontally!
  5. The 'Who's Behind The Work?' Factor :- The user may want to appreciate the designer's, the creator's efforts more often than not!

    Because Nobody Knows The Worth Better Than The Audience!

    Because Testimonials Work As A Bridge Between The One Behind The Effort & The One Utilizing The Effort!
  6. The 'Keep The Intruders Away!'  Factor :- For If Your Website's A Hosted One - Security Is A Concern. The Strength Of Password Protection Can Work Wonders...
  7. Interactivity With The User Is The Key! :- Involving The User Through A Forum Or An Active & Informative FAQ Section Makes Him Realize That The Designer Has Gone The Extra Inch To Grab His Attention!


Mayura's Tryst With The Deities...

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers

BlogAdda's Mention!



Mayura Is My Name, The Peacock, Bright-Hued...
Ah! It Is With Awe, Amazement, That By You, I Am Viewed!
Yes, I Am The Deities' Dearest - Their Vehicle Divine...
Undoubtedly, Two Deities Are My Surmounts, Benign!
Reigning Miracles Intelligently Find Their Manifestation...
Ah! How Privileged Am I To Be Theirs, For An Eternal Duration! 

This Is The Tale Of How Effortlessly I Received...
Honor To Belong To Two Deities, How I Meritoriously Achieved!
Echoes Beyond Bounds, The Name Of Maa Saraswati & Lord Kartikeya, To Be Believed...

Pious & Sacred Is Lord Kartikeya's Name...
Extending To His Feet, Is My Commitment, All The Same! 
Affirming A Strong Grip On The Ever Egoistic, Desirous Serpent...
Cautioning You Thus, To Maintain Distance From Materialistic Wants, Instead To Polish Positive Talent!
Oh! Then There's Goddess Saraswati, To Be In Whose Service, This Mundane Being Always Aspires...
Challenged By The Swan, However, Whom The Deity, Herself Admires!
Kneeling Down To Her Presence, That In Itself Is Pure Bliss...

Denoting Selfless Service To Them, Is My Dedication...
Instilling In Me Thus, A Perpetual Sense Of Everlasting Elation!
Vowing To Be At Their Absolute, Undying Command...
Integrating Their Positivism Into Myself, Is How I Stand!
Nurtured By Their Divine Care, Is My Very Existence...
Embodying This Divinity Is My Unceasing, Immortal Insistence!


This post is a part of Write Over The Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
BlogAdda gives out a creative writing theme each weekend for Indian bloggers.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

~*Rendezvous With Ruly Romeo!*~

Romeo, Romeo, Romeo...
Echoed In  The Valley With Every Voice's Throw...
Could It Have Been For Real, If I May Know?
Ha! This Was Surely Not Shakespeare's Show...
Ah! It Seemed Like A Creation By Van Gogh!
Resonating Still Was The Name, Romeo...
Gratitude To Be Expressed, If He Found His Juliet, Though!
Escalating Quickly Was This Aspiration, Above The Mind, Even So...


Supposedly, this was a dream...
Supposedly, this was unreal!

Supposedly, this had to end soon...
Supposedly, this had to linger on...

Supposedly, this was to be termed as hallucination...
Supposedly, late-night blogging had taken its toll...







So, this is how the night of a monotonous day was going to set - or the dawn of a monotonous day was yet awaited...

One Surprise was set to make the next day memorable for the stretch of an entire lifetime...

What - Ruly Romeo, A Strand Of My Hair...

Where - Found It... Err... Him Sticking Onto My Woolens...

When - Before Retiring For The Night...

Why - That's The Big Question!

Why Did A Strand Of Hair Have To Come To Life?

It Was...

OK, Blurt It Out, Romeo...

You Tell Us What Made You Scream My Name In Horror, In Turn Frightening The Wits Out Of Me, That Too At Midnight!

*Romeo takes centre - stage*

OMG, Will I Have To Narrate My Pitiable State? (That Rhymes!)

Yes, you will, Ro! 
I am not gonna recall the whole episode from A to Z!

K Then...
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Brace Yourselves For Romeo's Recital No. 1...

Romeo's My Name, The Lady's Scalp, I Call Home...
Estranged Inhabitant, The One Who Does Not Get To See A Comb!
Casually, Carelessly & For Granted, Is How I'm Taken...
Ha! The Lady Here Is Very Much Mistaken!
Ah! I Finally Roped Her In To Pay Attention...
Really, The Way She Overlooks Me Paves Way For Tension!
Goodness Gracious Me! I Require Maintenance,  Too...
Especially With That Keratin, You Know That Don't You?


Sorry for cutting your over-ly insulting  recital Ro!
I'm not as cruel to you as you made it sound...
You'll make my readers leave this whole thing mid  way and run away!

Now, if you'd excuse me...
I'd like to sum it up...

This Gentle - Strand (Not Gentleman) Here, Romeo thought I had encountered a break in my late night novel reading regime since a few days and so he jumped in to narrate his own story, a supposed bed time story but instead of beginning with the 'Once Upon A Time...' - he preferred to scare the wits out of me - by screaming his tooth - pick like lungs out!

The story he narrated is of course a different story altogether...

So, Ro made it a point to present his argument to me - argument regarding?

Argument regarding an opinion - his opinion - that he was lacking that shimmer, that luster, that electrifying charge...
Now, you might opine that shimmer, shine - are alright, but what's charge got to do with hair?

Well, Ro, what's your reason for that?
And this time, answer with a one - liner...

Oh! Don't tell me you fail to correlate charge and hair!

Charge - Electric Charge - Attraction?
Does That Strike A Chord?

Lemme Guess...
Attraction - Juliet?

Bang On, Lady!
You're Quick-Witted, Aren't You?

Yes, Cut That Short, Please Ro...

OK, So Ro also opines that the charge will make Strand - Ladies get attracted to him...
Basically, Romeo's lacking the aid which will assist him to rope in his Juliet... ;)

Romanticizing, aren't you, Ro?


So, that Dear Readers, was the reason of argument...

Let's move on to the show he put up at midnight for debate...

Convincing Or Not, You Decide...


Flashback :-  1 'o' clock in the night, and I'm sitting glued... to Romeo, who won't let go of me.
And of course - It is an obligation - to listen to a male, a male strand of hair resting on a lady's scalp.

Cut the flashback, Lady!
*Revenge Time - Cut my recital, I'll cut your speech!*


*Fuming With Fury, I retreat, letting Ro take over!*

Yay! Yay! Yay!
Ladies & Gentlemen...
Brace Yourselves For Romeo's Recital No. 2...

Romeo Is Fed Up Of Playing Mr. Lack - Luster...
Electrifying Adventure Is My Wish, Some Courage I Must Muster!
C'Mon! I'll Take You On A Journey, Fantastic...
Have Your Hearts Melt, Just Like Plastic!
Ah! I Need Your Assistance This Moment...
Ridicule Is What I've Been Facing In The Form Of Comment!
Glamour Is What I've Been Missing For A Few Days...
Elaborate On Some 'Bring - It - Back' Ways!


As it turns out, Hubby, Daughter, Me & of course, Romeo had to devise ways to bring back the beat in his life - Take that as heart beat or...

Ladies & Gentlemen...
Move Over Romeo's Recital...
The Recital No. 3 Turns Out To Be...
The Khandujas' Karaoke to Kick Romeo Out Of This Knotty Circle...

Reaching Out To Your Request, Your Need, Dear Romeo...
Embarking On A Mission To Bring You Your Juliet, The Beau In You!
Charm Is What Our Recharging Will Lovingly Gift...
Hey Romeo, Every Lady's Attention, Towards You, Will Shift!
Ah! To Thank Us, You'll Face A Loss Of Speech...
Reverberating With Praise, Offered By Each!
Gear Yourself Up To Be Pleasantly Amazed...
Every Time You Recall These Memories, They'll Be Honey Glazed!

Yo! Yo! It's Guitaring Time!
Occasion Or Not, Learn To Make Life Become Rhythm To Beat's Chime...
Utilize Your Energy Electrifying, Put It To Some Use...
Rhyme It With Clocked Steps, With Dance You Make It Fuse!

Hike Into The Rising Heights Of The Nation...
Aiding You To Energy, To Charge Will Be This Citation...
I'm Sure, Your Upbeat Attitude Will Woo Your Lady Luck...
Rosy Will Be Your Life, With Fragrances Which You Hand Pluck! 

Yielding Quick Results, Some Glamour Will...
Oh! How About A Makeover, Which Will Hold The Audiences Still?
Urging You To Take Up A Personal Grooming Class...
Recognition To The Handsome You, Like Newly Polished Glass!

Last But Not The Least, We'll Gift You Sunsilk...
It'll Make Your Texture As Smooth As Silk!
For Then You'll Slip Out Of Juliet's Reach Easily...
Enriching Her, Even, With Energy To Tighten Her Grip On You, Feasibly!



*By this time, Romeo was swaying in cool breeze - fantasizing all the fun he'll be having - singing - dancing - guitaring, hiking, partying, electrifying, energizing, recharging and most importantly wooing Juliet!

This whole episode took shape a week back. Romeo's done with the singing, the dancing, the guitaring, the hiking, the makeover, and the grooming class as well. Today's the seventh day...

Sunday, the day for that revitalizing hair wash, the day to introduce Romeo to Sunsilk and the day when Romeo will finally attempt to propose to his Juliet!

What Will Be The Story Thereafter?
Will Romeo - strand  - Juliet - strand Unite?

That's A Story To Be Reserved For Next Sunday Night...
To Unfold, If Romeo's Aspirations Took Flight!*




This post is written as a part of 'Recharge Your Hair, Recharge Your Life' Contest organized by Sunsilk in association with IndiBlogger.
You can vote for it here.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

Flipping Through The Celluloid Times...

Celluloid Is The Name Of The Game...
Inspiring Stories Put Up In Multiple Frame!
Novel Ideas Which Lit A Bright Flame...
Extracting The Best Of Talent's Name!
Masking One's Own Identity With Characters, All The Same!
And Entertainment Is From Where It All Came...


Cinema, Celluloid, Film, Movie, Motion Picture....
Many Names, One Term...

Devised As A Means Of Entertainment...
Which Translates To 'Not Just Entertainment' In Today's Times...

The Showbiz tracks its origin back to 1913, and the era of the blacks and whites...
Since then, to now - is a 'colored hues' journey - well traversed...

For Me, it has been a journey full of ups and downs - witnessing some very new ideas,  some mature talents, some unpolished gems which needed shine and at the same time some earnest attempts...

For Me, it has been a journey of celebration - of efforts, recognition - of talents, correction - of flaws and appreciation - of imagination.


Since I've now stepped into the 101st year of my being - and begun with baby steps into 'The Centenarian Era', I cannot help but reminisce all that I've been part and parcel of!

Yes It's Me...

Your Very Own Bollywood...
Your Dearest Celluloid…
Your '७० MM का पर्दा '!
Your 'मनोरंजन  का ज़रिया'!


Being the mother of movies, I know best - which ones have their performances, their impact and most of all - their uniqueness - their 'I'm Different!' attitude - etched on the audiences' psyche...

Let Us Travel Down The Celluloid Lane...

Taking One From Each Decade Of Chronology, So Each Generation Relives Its Youth!

  • Haqeeqat (1964) :- Set against the backdrop of the Sino - Indian War of 1962, the film's plot concerns a platoon of Indian soldiers in the hilly terrain of Ladakh who are taken to be dead but are rescued in near - dead condition Ladakhi tribesmen and Capt. Bahadur Singh, portrayed by Dharmendra.

    Disagreeing to succumb to the pressure of retreating, Capt. and his lady - luck, Angmo, potrayed by Priya Rajvansh, die holding the Chinese at bay so that their comrades can retreat to safety. However, even the soldiers are heavily outnumbered.

The 'I'm Different' Factor:- The patriotism upheld by the tribesmen & the soldiers in the film is exemplary, being ever ready to answer to their call of duty towards the nation! Directed by Chetan Anand, this one's a soul - stirring narration...
कर चले हम फ़िदा... is one of the songs that comes to the audiences' mind - fitting to the occasion of Independence Day & Republic Day.

The film went on to bag the National Film Award for the second best feature film in 1965 and also the Filmfare for Best Art Direction by M.S. Sathyu.
The film also went on to become the sixth highest grosser for the year.
  • Manthan (1976):- The word Manthan literally translates to 'Churning' - might remind you of the Amrit Manthan...
    So, this was a unique Amrit - Millk - implying the conception of the White Revolution in 1970.

    The film traces a small set of poor farmers of Kheda, Gujarat who worked for the benefit of society and not themselves alone, while tracking Dr. Kurien's revolution. Girish Karnad portrayed Dr. Kurien, while Smita Patil portrayed Bindu - the main protagonists.

    The formation of The Kaira District Co-op Milk Producers' Union eventually gave way to the formation of Amul - the same 'Utterly Butterly Delicious - Amul' in Gujarat.

    The 'I'm Different' Factor:- Shyam Benegal's visionary direction, the perfect story line by Dr. Verghese Kurien himself, and the way the dialogues had been conceived by Kaifi Azmi Saab - so many talents associated with a single creation needed no introduction.

    The awareness towards Operation Flood need to spread and Manthan served as the perfect medium to inform the audiences of this revolution.

    To top it all, the title song of the movie - मेरो  गाँव काथापारे रा , दूध की नदियाँ बाहे... was later used as the soundtrack for Amul's TVC.
    The original song was 6:30 while the TVC used it for a minute.

    The film went on to bag the National Film Award for the Best Feature Film in Hindi in 1977 and the National Film Award for Best Screenplay for Vijay Tendulkar.
    Preeti Sagar won the Filmfare  for Best Female Playback Singer for lending her voice to the title song.


  • Pushpaka Vimaan/Pushpaka (1987):- This one's a silent black comedy film, based on the 'king - for - a - day' story.

    An unemployed youth, portrayed by Kamal Hassan takes up the identity of a rich man. He gets to stay in a 5-star accommodation, where he falls in love with a magician's daughter, portrayed by Amala.

    However, a hired killer mistakes the young man for the rich man and is after his life. The events that follow, shape - up the course of the story.

    The 'I'm Different' Factor:- The film by Shrinagar Nagaraj is notable for its inventive recasting of the silent form. The power of silence to narrate a 131 minute long narrative, with elan, is commendable.

    The film entails the fact that one must learn to rise over materialistic pleasures - serving as an eye - opener for the audiences.

    The film went on to bag the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.

  • Damini (1993):- Considered to be the best woman - centric film ever made alongside an equal classic, Mother India, the film throws light on the plight of a rape victim, belonging to the lower strata of society.

    Damini entails the fight put up by a mistress, portrayed by Meenakshi Sheshadri, against the family in order to garner justice for her maid-servant, victimized by her brother-in-law.

    Sunny Deol portrayed the role of their lawyer with the evergreen 'तारीख़ पे तारीख़' dialogue.

    The 'I'm Different' Factor:- For the first time, the plight of rape victims was so openly portrayed on Celluloid.
    The film lent power to the fairer sex in distress.
    The sheer power with which each character was portrayed, spoke for itself!

    The film went on to bag the National Film Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Filmfare for the same for Sunny Deol in 1994. Also Rajkumar Santoshi bagged the Filmfare for the Best Director.
    The film also went on to become the sixth highest grosser for the year.

  • Black (2005):- Revolving around a blind and deaf girl, and her relationship with her teacher who himself, later develops Alzheimer's, the film draws inspiration from Helen Keller's life and struggle.

The 'I'm Different' Factor:- Sensitivity towards the differently - abled, coupled with Bhansali's impeccable direction, and Mr. Amitabh Bachchan's & Rani's excellent portrayal is an unbeatable combination.

With just one song in its filming - and even that song touched hearts so beautifully!

हाँ, मैंने छूकर देखा है...

Black bagged the Best Feature Film In Hindi Award and Mr. Bachchan received the Best Actor Award at the 53rd National Film Awards.

Black made an all - time record by winning eleven awards - beating Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge & Devdas which had won ten awards each.

Black is one of the five films alongside Guide (1965), Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge (1995), Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998) & Devdas (2002) to bag all of the four major awards (Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actor & Best Actress).


These were the unique-ly crafted films from my side...

Now, over to the audiences for their agreements, disagreements and even suggestions...

This dialogue itself turned out to be a film's length long, didn't it?

Dasvidaniya, Alvida, Au Revoir, Cheerio, Sayonara, Goodbye for now... :)


This post is a part of the Miss Lovely Activity in association with BlogAdda.
Miss Lovely, an off-beat film directed by Ashim Ahluwalia is set in the lower depths of Bombay's C Grade Film Industry. The Film is set to hit cinemas on 17 January, 2014.
Check the trailer here...

Friday, 3 January 2014

~*The Voice Behind The Voter's Resolution...*~

The first post to have been posted in New Year 2014 brings about an E-Voucher worth Rs. 2000!

My name features in the limelight...

IndiBlogger - The Largest Indian Blogger Community


Vaishali! Come Here This Moment!
Oh My God! Where's My Wallet Gone?
Tripti, Did You See My Wallet, Anywhere?
Eh? Your Wallet... Lemme See!

Foolish Me! I Should Have Been More Careful In The Crowd!
Oh Dear God, Let Me Find My Wallet, Please!
Relax Di, We'll Not Rest Until We Find Your Wallet!

In Fact, Try Recalling The Last Time You Had It With You...
Now, Office To Metro To Mall To Home...
Destined To Be Careless In Crowded Places, Am I Not?
It Must Be Either The Metro Or The Mall!
And, We Head To Both The Places, One By One...


Turns out Di had lost it at the Mall - of course, owing to the New Year Carnival at the Mall, the crowd was unbeatable...
And Di, she has a habit of being careless... especially with her wallet...

It might have either slipped out of her handbag, noticed by an alert citizen or pocketed by a guilt - stricken pickpocket, who decided to hand it over - anonymously - to The Customer Care Desk.

Either way, we were relieved, to have found her wallet.

What we did not realize at first was this...


The wallet was missing something...


Which Thing?

Her Voter ID Card!


Di got to know of it last week when she had to give it in for Address Change formalities, since we had shifted base a month back...

And since it always figures in her wallet, she was sure of ' the pickpocket at the Mall ' having cleverly pocketed the ID while playing 'Good Samaritan' by returning the wallet - sans the ID, at the Mall.

Well, finding the ID wasn't and isn't as easy as finding the wallet...

God knows where it may be at this moment of time...

If we don't manage to find it by the end of this week, Di might have to apply for a new Voter ID Card, altogether!


What is my importance in your life, if I may ask?

What do you mean by importance?

No, Seriously! Am I just an object - to be used, or may I say, left unused?

Oh Dear! What made you think like that?

You made me think like that!
Come On!

It's only once in five years that we used to go out together!
And it has been long since that day, that year...
Long since I've seen the light of the day...
Long since I've been biting the dust...

Enough Is Enough!
I'm not going to bear any of this, anymore...

I'm going to fight it out for my long awaited outing...

To The Polling Booth!

Guessed It Or Not?

Guessed What?

Who Am I?


Your Voter ID Card!

I know you've been skipping the opportunity to exercise your right to vote for a decade now...
I had been a mute spectator at the start of it, but this latency and idleness is weighing a bit too much on my nerves...

This time - in 2014 - you even have quite a few reasons to step out to bring about a fresh breeze of change...

Your daughter's a major now...
Isn't that a valid reason for you to set a good example to her - in order to inspire her and even her friends to choose the right leader?

You had been revolting against the dearth of honest, trustworthy leaders, hadn't you?
Well, this year, there's NOT-A to your rescue...


NOT-A's a valid point, you have there.
I had put it to use even during the Assembly Elections...
So, why not during the General Elections?
I am up and about for it!


But my dear, convincing this lone voter won't help much!
You have to reach out to the masses, don't you?

Do you think this Canvassing Business has any appeal without an outreach to the masses?
Masses - Especially The Youth...

No, Madam. Not At All...

So, Here I Am With My Aids To Persuasion...

My PR Agents...

Social Applications For A Better Social Network...
For An Increased Outreach To The Change - Thirsty Citizens Of India!


The Motivating Reminder App...

The Newest Of The New...
To Turn To Many, From A Few...
Motivation, Inspiration Is How The Breeze Flew...
An Alarm Is All It Takes To Remind You, To Start Anew!

The Sketch Your Voter Friends' Circle App...

It's Not Me Who'll Do The Canvassing...
Of Course It's Your Friends & You!
From The Persuading To The Balloting...
Keep Sketching That Circle, Without Any Further Ado!

The First Friend To Vote - Me!

The One With The Purple Finger Tip - The Touch Sensor App...

If The Smartphone's Touchy, Why Not That App, Too...
Your Finger Tip's Not Purple, Eh? - We Give You A Boo!
Not Keeping Up With The Fashion Statement Of The Election Season, Are You?
Go Get That Inked Tip, Vote, Nothing Else Will Do!

The Youth Mobilizer App...

All It Needs Is Your Friend List...
In Order To Segregate It, With A Twist!
All It Does To Them, Is Assist...
Assisting The 18 - 35er's To Vote Is Its Gist!

The NOT-A Supporter's App...

The Mission Is To Get Everyone To Cast It...
To Make Sure, Every Citizen, Into India's Jigsaw Does Fit!
This One's Going To Be A Runway Hit...
Especially If It Gives You A 'Vote For None' Permit!


These Five Apps Are The Five Precursors - Fingers To A Hand...
Not That Ill - Famed Hand, Dear!

The Hand Here Is Yours...
The Alert Indian Citizen's Hand...
The Hand Which Will Contribute Towards Bringing A Change...
In The General Elections, 2014!


This was an enlightening session I had with you there, Dear ID!
Take A Bow!
It's A Job Well Done!

These Apps Sure Will Bring About A Voter's Revolution...
And Being A Voter, I've Made A Resolution!


A Resolution To Vote For Change...
A Resolution To Vote For India!
A Resolution To Vote For That 'Feel Good Feeling'...
A Resolution To Vote For A Proud & Alert Citizen!


Maybe, this enlightenment had to happen...

Maybe, Di's Card's loss and my Card's Soul Stirring Conversation acted as a pre - cursor...

Pre - Cursor To Light At The End Of A Dark Tunnel, Maybe?

What Are You Waiting For?

The Indian General Elections, Is It Not?

You Will Reach Out To The Ballot, Won't You?


This post is written as a part of the 'Indian General Elections 2014 With Social Mobile Apps' Contest organised by IndiBlogger in association with WeChatIndia.
You can vote for it here.


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2013 - The Year That Was, 2014 - The Year That Will Be...

What A Surprising Year 2013 Has Been...

More than being eventful on the personal front in the form of phase transitions, 2013 marks my baby steps into the blogging world...

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards the blog - o sphere which has been showing constant acceptance and appreciation towards my blogging efforts!

I cannot thank my co - blogger friends enough, who have been ever encouraging towards my creative endeavors!

2013 marked a new initiative - a life event - in my diary...

A Pleasant Hope, Which 2014 Breathes On...

Here's Hoping 2014 Turns Out To Be Prosperous & Rewarding In All Its Aspects For Everyone!

May You Experience Good Health, Peace & Prosperity!

May 2014's Sunlight Pierce Through Any And Every Dark Cloud In Your Lives! :)


New Year 2014...
Pleasant To The Core...
New Opportunities & Beginnings, Let Us Adore...
Let Us Embrace Hopefully, What It Has For Us, In Store!

And on that positive note, let's end 2013 with a positive post and begin 2014 with a positive post...

Happy New Year 2014!!!
